All You Mofos Who Harass Me About That Technical Difficult Ownage Pranks Homeless Mofo Are Gonna Get ‘WOKED

I ain’t gonna answer ya! Imma ‘woke ya = kill ya ? Speaking of witch ??‍♀️ ain’t I a bad bitch: Took those juicy ass – even I wanna fuck me ?? – screenshots while viewing this vid in which I went back to help the kid earlier, who is still there:   [purchase_link id=”31932″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This him from earlier:   [purchase_link id=”31932″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Imma call a tow truck tomorrow if he still there. Poor child stranded and a rich mofo refused to help him. There goes the satanic/saturnian energy of Malibu for you. With that … Continue reading All You Mofos Who Harass Me About That Technical Difficult Ownage Pranks Homeless Mofo Are Gonna Get ‘WOKED