The Gangstalkers of Malibu Target Me Because They Wanna Use My Spiritual Powers

– Look in the passenger seat. I see a spirit in that vehicle…… a gray, ghoulish one….. He looks possessed here: CA license plate number 8YJD041. Right after he left…. these two came in this white car I typically see gangstalking, and they were rummaging in the back of their truck for something that was making ominous noises….. Note they run when I mention cursing them cause they know that ish real….. Asshole In Blue SUV Who Tried To Run Over Me Gets His SUV Fucked Up The White Supremacist With The Dyke In The Mitsubishi Is Now Homeless Creepy … Continue reading The Gangstalkers of Malibu Target Me Because They Wanna Use My Spiritual Powers