Watch Out For A Roach Swarm Zombie Apocalypse And Sexual Deviant Dreams

Here is an example of a “roach swarm” dream (really nightmare) curse…… A roach swarm dream curse attracts low vibrational grunginess which manifests in an inexplicable dark aura around you which attracts low vibrational ravenously focused on “survival” types with no consciousness of higher states of being and, thus, like a roach, operate in a frenzied, aggressive, kamikaze like manner – indicative of a roach. It is the energy of the root chakra in reverse: Zombie apocalypse dream curses manifests as organic portals attacking you. No real further explanation. Sexual deviant dream curses usually manifests as this….. I Am REALLY … Continue reading Watch Out For A Roach Swarm Zombie Apocalypse And Sexual Deviant Dreams