Angels Are Demons and The Bible Proves It

Angels Are Demons and The Bible Proves It

The film called Legion with Dennis Quaid was trying to tell you all something: Here another abomination….. This supposed to be how heaven looks like and the sound someone heard from it: That shit sounds and looks demonic, huh!? Everytime I get closer to fighting the demiurge aka god’s demonic kingdom I see walls with the all seeing eye! Most folks know that the all seeing eye is demonic and associated with freemasonry. Well, look at all them eyes on your favourite demons, oops I mean angels which merely means messenger in Greek: Here is re-ligious symbolism proving god the

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Astral Projection CONFIRMS That Heaven Is Hell Which Is Ran By The Archons The Reptilians

I wanna say for the record that when you look at the thing that is holding the child in the vat in the Matrix…. Don’t that look like a bird-reptilian, the same things that David Icke – based on knowledge from Credo Mutwa – states is running our planet ? I ain’t never wrong…. read this to see what I mean…. Even before writing this I feel a sharp tightening on my throat chakra and crown and I saw thru my third eye early this morning a fucking reptilian putting that shit there. I’ve said it and talked about

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