Attack of The Organic Portals

Attack of The Organic Portals

Say, there was a fight energy going around yesterday. I don’t know if ya’ll noticed but as can be seen in the second vid even my lil cats were fighting then my cat friend fought me lol πŸ˜˜πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆ This is the type of shit that happens when you cut really evil spirits off….. – Early in the day I saw him get out his car then look at me for a hot minute then I saw through my third eye he was plotting, lingering around to what seemed to be kidnap a woman cause I saw him picking her up

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Get Ready For The Zombie Psychic Attacks By The Organic Portal Hordes

Get Ready For The Zombie Psychic Attacks By The Organic Portal Hordes

My cards, third eye told no lies about this ish incoming…. The first of em was…. while I was in the city playing with the hose at the car wash…… LAPD showed up after a wetback complained – my energy was too much for it – about my red mesh. Wetback go back to your country….. Early that morning I spied a parks and beaches truck mysteriously coming up then making a u turn which they never do…. Crazy thing is this was RIGHT AFTER I did the reading talking about this….. Early this morning I saw a white rape

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